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EPA Bans Chlorpyrifos Pesticides Due to Risks to Children’s Health

 Posted on August 30, 2021 in Defective Products

Arlington Heights Personal Injury AttorneyAmericans expect to be protected from products that could be harmful to their health. Unfortunately, there are many ways that people can become exposed to toxic chemicals and other dangerous substances. In many cases, exposure to these types of chemicals occurs because of the pesticides and herbicides used on crops. Recently, issues related to chlorpyrifos, a commonly-used pesticide, were brought to light when the federal government took steps to ban the use of this chemical on crops used for food. Those who may have been exposed to this dangerous product will want to understand its potential effects and their options for addressing the injuries they have suffered.

Dangers of Chlorpyrifos

Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate insecticide that has been in use since 1965. It has been used on multiple different types of crops, including apples, strawberries, citrus fruits, peaches, broccoli, cauliflower, corn, and soybeans. Until 2000, it was also used as a household pesticide to kill insects such as cockroaches, ants, or mosquitos.

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How Can a Person Be Injured by a Defective Hip Replacement?

 Posted on August 20, 2021 in Defective Medical Devices

Schaumburg Defective Medical Device AttorneyModern medical technology has accomplished some amazing things, and it has helped patients address many serious diseases and health conditions while improving people’s quality of life. Unfortunately, not every advancement has been beneficial, and there are some cases where treatments or devices used by medical professionals have caused harm to patients without adequately addressing their medical conditions. Defective hip replacements are one type of device that has resulted in injuries for a large number of patients. Those who have had hip replacement surgery should be sure to understand the potential risks they may face, and know that an attorney can help these patients determine their legal options.

Problems With Degrading Hip Implants

Hip replacements may be beneficial for patients who have experienced deterioration of bones or cartilage in the hip joints, injuries such as broken bones, or inflammation of tissue. Ideally, a hip replacement will provide a patient with increased mobility while reducing the pain and stiffness they experience.

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How Can Bedsores Affect a Person Who Experiences Nursing Home Neglect?

 Posted on August 13, 2021 in Nursing Home Negligence

Rolling Meadows Nursing Home Neglect AttorneyWhile nursing homes can provide much-needed care and assistance for elderly people who are unable to fully care for themselves, nursing home residents are at risk of serious harm due to abuse and neglect. Patients can suffer multiple different types of injuries because of negligence by a nursing home and its staff members. Bedsores are some of the most serious health conditions that can occur. Family members should be aware of the ways that bedsores can affect a loved one in a nursing home. By working with a personal injury attorney, they can determine whether a facility can be held responsible for these types of injuries.

Types of Bedsores

Bedsores are also referred to as pressure ulcers, and they can occur when constant pressure is placed on certain parts of the body. This can cut off blood flow, resulting in damage to the skin, as well as the underlying tissues. Nursing home residents are at risk of bedsores if they are bedridden or if they stay in the same position for extended periods of time. Bedsores can form on the areas of the body that are in constant contact with a bed or other surface, such as the hips, buttocks, shoulder blades, or heels.

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Summer Months Seeing an Increase in Drunk Driving Accidents

 Posted on July 28, 2021 in Car Accident

illinois car accident lawyerTo operate a motor vehicle safely, one must think clearly, reason responsibility, and maintain muscle coordination. Alcohol consumption weakens all of these functions. Any injury caused by a car accident can be devastating and the injuries caused by a drunk driving accident are often preventable. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that nearly half of the vehicle fatalities in Illinois involve alcohol. Unfortunately, drunk driving is even more prominent during the summer months.

Illinois Drunk Driving Accidents

Across the nation, summer accounts for the highest level of drunk driving-related fatalities. This increase in deadly accidents makes it imperative to understand the dangers of drunk driving. Because alcohol can weaken the driver’s attention and control of the vehicle, the resulting injuries tend to be much worse. Impaired drivers may swerve, speed or even drive the wrong way on a highway, potentially leading to a head-on collision.

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What to Know About Medical Malpractice During Pregnancy or Birth in Illinois

 Posted on July 23, 2021 in Medical Malpractice

arlington heights medical malpractice lawyerWhen medical errors are made, they can have serious, long-term effects on the victim. Unfortunately, sometimes these victims are fetuses or newborns. Medical errors may transpire during the pregnancy and labor or delivery phases of childbirth. Such mistakes can result in the severe suffering or disability of a child. In some of the more severe cases, medical malpractice during pregnancy or childbirth can even result in the death of the baby or the mother.

Common Medical Complications During Pregnancy

There are many issues during pregnancy that can result in serious consequences if undetected. The detection and treatment of these issues is the responsibility of the obstetrician. Such conditions that may prove serious if undetected during pregnancy include:

 ●  Gestational diabetes

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What Are My Legal Options if My Child Was Hurt at Daycare?

 Posted on July 15, 2021 in Personal Injury Attorney

Rolling Meadows personal injury attorneyWhen parents drop their children off at daycare, they trust that the staff will keep their child safe. Unfortunately, some daycare facilities do not meet these expectations. When a child is injured at daycare, nursery school, summer camp, after-school program, or another type of childcare facility, the facility may be liable for damages. The parents may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost income, and other costs.

When is a Child Care Facility Legally Responsible for a Child’s Injuries?

As any parent can tell you, children get hurt all the time. However, daycare facilities are legally obligated to prevent reasonably foreseeable injuries. The facility should be kept clean and free of hazardous objects. Children should be properly supervised. Staff should be vetted for any history of child abuse. When a daycare facility fails to uphold this duty and a child is harmed as a result, the daycare may be legally responsible for the child’s injuries.

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Can I File a Lawsuit If I Was Diagnosed with Cancer After Using Roundup?

 Posted on July 08, 2021 in Defective Products


rolling meadows defective product lawyerWhile most companies conduct thorough testing before releasing their products to the public, certain defective products slip through the cracks. Roundup, for instance, is found to increase the risk of some cancers by 40 percent. If you have contracted cancer after using this popular weed killer, you may have the right to take legal action.

Why Is Roundup a Dangerous Product?

Roundup contains the ingredient glyphosate, which disrupts enzymic pathways in plants. The product may be effective at killing weeds, but it may harm humans in the process. 

There have been several studies that have shown a correlation between Roundup and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. This form of cancer targets the white blood cells called lymphocytes and is slightly more common in men than women. Studies show that cancer doubled between 1975 and 2006 and was more common among people who were exposed to glyphosate-containing herbicides or resided on farmland that is frequently treated with herbicides. The World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) listed glyphosate as a likely human carcinogen. 

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How “Dooring” Can Cause Serious Bicycle Accident Injuries

 Posted on June 24, 2021 in Personal Injury

Rolling Meadows personal injury attorneyBicyclists understand that they are at risk of injury when riding near vehicles. However, drivers are responsible for sharing the road safely with bicycles and taking the proper measures to avoid bicycle accidents. Unfortunately, many drivers fail to live up to this responsibility. If drivers do not notice bicycles near their vehicle, or if they act unsafely when bicycles are on the road, they can cause serious injuries to bicyclists. One way people in vehicles can injure bicycles is through “dooring.”

What Is Dooring?

When drivers park on the side of a busy road, they will likely be aware of other vehicles, and they will be looking to protect their own safety when they open their doors and exit their vehicle. However, drivers and passengers often fail to look for bicycles in these situations, including those who are traveling in bike lanes or who are riding in a lane of traffic near parked vehicles. If a person in a vehicle opens their door without checking for bicycles, they may block a bicyclist’s path or strike a bicycle.

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What Are My Options if I Was Harmed by Exposure to Paraquat Herbicide?

 Posted on June 17, 2021 in Defective Products

Arlington heights product liability lawyerOf the different types of dangerous products that can cause harm to people in the United States, herbicides are among the most toxic. Weedkillers are commonly used on farms throughout the U.S., and they often contain dangerous chemicals that can cause multiple health problems for those exposed to these substances. Paraquat, a chemical that is included in some widely-used herbicides, has been found to cause multiple health issues. Those who have suffered injuries after being exposed to these herbicides may be able to pursue compensation from a manufacturer by working with an experienced attorney.

Illnesses Caused by Paraquat Exposure

Herbicides that contain paraquat have been used since the 1960s. Even though this substance is highly toxic, the use of these herbicides has increased in recent years in response to weeds that have become resistant to other herbicides, such as Roundup. Paraquat is a “restricted use” chemical, and before using it, a person must receive training and obtain certification. Anyone who works with this chemical should use the proper protective equipment, including chemical-resistant gloves and aprons, safety goggles or face shields, and respiratory protection.

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Can I Pursue Compensation if I Contracted Cancer After Using Roundup?

 Posted on June 10, 2021 in Defective Products

rolling meadows product liability lawyerThere are many types of dangerous products that put people who use them at risk of injury. While multiple government organizations regulate the products that are made available to consumers, some products are not properly tested, or they may be found to be dangerous after they have been used by large numbers of people. Roundup, a popular weedkiller, is one of these products, and large numbers of people who have been exposed to the chemicals in this product have contracted cancer. 

Roundup Lawsuits Addressing Injuries to Consumers

Roundup is one of the most commonly used pesticides in the world. In addition to being made available for retail sale and used by homeowners and people in the landscaping industry, it is also used by many farmers to protect crops such as corn and soybeans. Roundup contains the chemical glyphosate, and breathing this chemical into the lungs or absorbing it through the skin or eyes may have harmful effects.

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