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Recent Blog Posts

Can Students Be Compensated for College Campus Injuries?

 Posted on October 15,2024 in Personal Injury

IL injury lawyerMany students on university campuses attend classes, sporting events, activities, and parties, enjoying the opportunities for learning, socializing, and personal growth. However, accidents that cause injuries are common, with injuries ranging from minor inconveniences to life-altering conditions.

If you are injured on a university campus, can you receive compensation through a personal injury or premises liability claim? Who is responsible for paying you? A skilled attorney from Newland & Newland, LLP can help you understand your legal rights and options. Call today for a free consultation.

Alcohol-Related Accidents

Drinking alcohol is common on many college campuses. Whether at parties, football games, fraternity or sorority houses, or in dorm rooms, students often ignore strict alcohol policies. Alcohol poisoning, drunk driving accidents, and falls caused by drinking can lead to serious harm and injuries.

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Can I Sue If a Defective Medical Device Harmed Me?

 Posted on October 09,2024 in Defective Products

Blog ImageHealthcare has made astounding advances, with modern medicine saving many lives that probably would have been lost only a few decades ago. Various medical devices are used effectively to address severe conditions. You would think that companies that design and manufacture these products would take special care to prevent defective devices from being made available to patients, but some, unfortunately, do not.

If a defective medical device has injured you, made an existing condition worse, or otherwise harmed you, you may be eligible for compensation through a product liability claim. The experienced attorneys at Newland & Newland, LLP stand ready to help you hold the at-fault parties fully accountable.

What Are Defective Medical Devices?

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration lists recalled medical devices, along with the defects and potential consequences. Some of the devices recalled in 2024 include:

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Can Mothers Suffer Birth Injuries or Are Only Babies Harmed?

 Posted on September 27,2024 in Medical Malpractice

Schaumburg birth injury lawyerBringing a child into the world should be a joyous time. Although some pain is expected, birth injuries can turn a happy event into a painful, life-altering experience. Most people associate birth injuries with various conditions that can affect a baby, but did you know that mothers can be injured also? Some injuries are unavoidable, but others may qualify victims for compensation through a medical malpractice claim.

What kinds of birth injuries can affect mothers, and why do they happen? What compensation can you receive? Your compassionate attorney from Newland & Newland, LLP can support you and help you hold the at-fault parties accountable.

What Kinds of Birth Injuries Can Result from Negligent Medical Care?

Doctors, midwives, nurses, and other medical professionals are expected to uphold high care standards. In these situations, medical negligence is failing to provide the same level of care that another professional with a similar background and training would provide, causing otherwise preventable harm to patients.  

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Can I Get a Settlement for My Brain Injuries in Illinois?

 Posted on September 24,2024 in Personal Injury

Schaumburg Head Injury LawyerBrain injuries are some of the most severe injuries victims can face, often producing life-altering consequences. In fact, traumatic brain injuries contributed to around 190 deaths every day in the U.S. in 2021 and caused many more disabilities. If someone else’s negligence caused your brain injury, you deserve compensation.

What kinds of incidents can lead to brain injuries, and what adverse effects are they likely to produce? How much will your personal injury settlement be? The dedicated attorneys at Newland & Newland, LLP offer free consultations so you can get those vital answers.

How Do Brain Injuries Occur?

A wide variety of situations can lead to brain injuries, such as:

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Can I Sue If a Pothole Caused My Motorcycle Crash in IL?

 Posted on September 17,2024 in Car Accident

Arlington Heights, IL Personal Injury LawyerDrivers often take for granted that the roads they travel are paved smoothly. While potholes and broken pavement can cause problems for passenger vehicles and large trucks, they are especially dangerous for motorcyclists.

If a poorly maintained interstate, highway, or street causes you to have a motorcycle accident, can you get compensation? Who is liable for paying you? The knowledgeable attorneys at Newland & Newland, LLP can answer those and other questions during your free consultation.

What Causes Potholes?

Potholes, which are holes in a road’s surface, can be different shapes, sizes, and depths. These imperfections can form or worsen due to various factors, including:

How Does Drowsy Driving Cause Dangerous Crashes in IL?

 Posted on September 09,2024 in Car Accidents

Arlington Heights, Illinois Personal Injury LawyerMost people know that distracted driving, speeding, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol are dangerous, often leading to car accidents. Each of those behaviors poses specific risks, and most people try to avoid them. But did you know that drowsiness and fatigue can also cause collisions that produce injuries and fatalities?

If you were injured in a collision with a drowsy driver, you may be able to get a settlement through a personal injury claim. Working with a local attorney from Newland & Newland, LLP can give you a better chance of reaching a favorable outcome.

Why Is Drowsy Driving Dangerous?

Fatigue can cause impairments that are similar to being intoxicated. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

Can I Sue If a Car Crash Left Me Paralyzed? | IL

 Posted on August 29,2024 in Car Accident

Schaumburg, IL personal injury lawyerCar crashes can cause a wide variety of injuries. While some injuries are relatively minor and should improve over time, others leave victims facing life-altering conditions. Catastrophic injuries like spinal cord damage that leads to paralysis may require extensive changes in your daily life. If someone else’s negligence caused your paralysis, you deserve compensation.

How do you know if you qualify? What kinds of compensation can you receive? The skilled lawyers at Newland & Newland, LLP can discuss these questions and provide answers during your free consultation.

Are There Different Levels of Spinal Cord Injuries?

Vertebrae and cartilage enclose the human spinal cord for protection, but it is still incredibly vulnerable. As the brain’s messenger, the spinal cord controls our sense of touch, ability to move, posture, and support. Blunt impacts, cuts, and punctures can temporarily or permanently damage the spinal cord. The effects are usually focused below the injured location. Paraplegics are paralyzed in their legs and lower bodies, with quadriplegics unable to move any of their limbs.

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Do I Have a Valid Medical Malpractice Case?

 Posted on August 25,2024 in Medical Malpractice

Arlington Heights, IL medical malpractice lawyerAmericans go to physicians and healthcare facilities for various reasons, but they all have one thing in common: an expectation of competent care. Unfortunately, medical treatments sometimes lead to injuries, worsen existing conditions, or even cause fatalities, potentially resulting in medical malpractice or wrongful death claims.

How do you know if your situation qualifies? What compensation may be available? The experienced Illinois medical malpractice lawyers at Newland & Newland, LLP will discuss these and other relevant topics during your free consultation.

What Is Medical Malpractice?

When healthcare professionals or facilities accept you as a patient, they obligate themselves to comply with required state and federal care standards, which the Illinois Department of Public Health regulates. When providers do not meet their obligations, you may be eligible to file a compensation claim.

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What You Need To Know About Truck Accidents in Illinois

 Posted on August 15,2024 in Car Accident

Arlington Heights, IL truck accident lawyerAmericans depend on semi-trucks to transport goods throughout the country. The Chicago area sees a lot of truck traffic due to its status as a major freight hub. The traffic congestion often found in Chicagoland, combined with the large number of trucks in the region daily, makes truck accidents a clear risk.

Car accident claims are often complicated, but truck crash claims have additional layers of complexity. It may be difficult to obtain the compensation you deserve without the assistance of a competent lawyer from Newland & Newland, LLP.

Truck Accident Facts

A fully loaded tractor-trailer weighs up to 80,000 pounds. Especially at higher speeds, the impact force when a truck collides with another vehicle is tremendous. Truck crashes often cause catastrophic injuries, devastating property damage, and fatalities. Some of these truck collision facts may shock you:

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What Is Dram Shop Liability in Drunk Driving Crash Claims?

 Posted on August 07,2024 in Car Accidents

Arlington Heights, IL personal injury lawyerIt is illegal to drive a car when under the influence of alcohol because its effects can cause multiple impairments that make safe driving impossible. When a drunk driver causes a car accident, injured victims may qualify to obtain compensation from the drunk driver. The Illinois Dram Shop Act is a liquor liability law that may allow you to seek compensation from others who may also be responsible.

You must prove liability to receive payment from the driver or other responsible parties. When you work with a personal injury lawyer from Newland & Newland, LLP, we will investigate your accident to determine all guilty parties and help you fight for maximum compensation.

What Are Liquor Liability Laws?

Before states enacted dram shop and social host liability laws, injured accident victims could hold only an intoxicated person accountable for any injuries that person caused. The introduction of liquor liability laws expanded the pool of potentially at-fault parties to include the people or establishments that sell or serve alcoholic beverages.

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